Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Something Smells Fishy Blog Hop Challenge


I'm so happy to be participating in another fun challenge, this time brought to us by Carol at Just Let Me Quilt.

Here's the list of today's participants:


I've missed the last several hops because we were busy moving. We've realized our dream of settling down on beautiful Cape Cod!

That's NOT a view from my house; we don't live right near the ocean. But it's a reasonable drive away, so we're happy with that!

The theme of this hop is very appropriate considering where I now live. The challenge was to create something with fish or other ocean creatures.

I wanted to make something to decorate my fireplace mantle. I stitched up a wool felt folksy fish, and some star fish to accompany it.

I might make a few more starfish to fill the display out more, but overall I'm happy with how it looks.

The fish also looks cute as a pillow on my chair:


I love to read your comments and will reply to them all via email, unless you are a NO REPLY blogger.

Finally, be sure to visit everyone participating in this challenge:


  1. Congratulations on the move and being able to live in such a beautiful place. Your new fish and star fish are perfect for your new home. Oh, yes I am just a wee bit jealous here. LOL!

    1. Thanks so much Joan! I understand the jealousy lol. email is acting up, so I hope you see this reply.

  2. Oh how perfect is this for your mantle? A funky fish with a grouping of starfish is just what makes your new living room feel right at home! Congratulations on finding your dream come true in Cape Cod and getting settled into your new community!

    1. Thanks so much Kathy! We keep pinching ourselves that we were able to pull this off. email is acting up so I hope you see this reply.

  3. How cute! This is the perfect way to brighten up your mantle! Congratulations on the move.

  4. Not everyone can live their dream like living in Cape Cod...wow! I'm so happy for you! The folksy fish and starfish are so cool looking. What a great idea to add them to your mantle...love it. Thanks for sharing your fishiness with us today, Elizabeth!

    1. Thanks so much Carol! We can't believe we pulled the whole thing off lol. email is acting up so hopefully you see this reply.

  5. So cute, would also make a good neck pillow. Congrats on the move.

  6. The fish along with the starfish and the picture on the wall, all just belong together. Such a nice setting. I have never been to Cape Cod, but can imagine how nice it must be. I have never even been to the East coast either. Enjoy your new home, I am sure it is lovely.

    1. Thanks so much Daryl! I hope you get out this way at some point; the East Coast is beautiful! email is acting up so hopefully you see this reply.

  7. The fish and star fish look great! Such a clever way to decorate your new home!

  8. Cute fish and starfish. Looks good on the mantel.

  9. Just what you needed for your mantle! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Your fish is cool and the starfish are great companions!
